Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Web Design Insights: How to Make Your Company Website User-Friendly

In this day and age, a company without a website is akin to a soldier on an active battlefield without a gun. Businesses are essentially mandated to have a website nowadays due to a few perks. It helps the company to be found on the internet, as well as allows promotion and/or selling of products and services to a wider audience. Putting a website up, however, relies on one of numerous vital factors: overall usability. Of course, what’s a website for if the user finds it extremely difficult to browse? That said, here’s what you should remember as you begin working with a local web design firm. Easy Does It As you map out your site, your foremost goal is to make it super-easy for users to navigate. You can do this by a few simple tricks. Make sure each page is appropriately named and that the sub-navigation buttons all relate to the main button.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tips on How to Work Well With Your Web Designer

If you want to get a good website, you need to have a good web designer. Additionally, you’ll need a good relationship with them. First and foremost, one of the main keys to making things work with a designer is to know exactly what he does. As early as your pre-selection process, try to erase those misconceptions you have about web design and understand the difference between two major terms: design and production. Designing is synonymous to conceptualization, and production is actual application of the design. You hire a designer for professional opinion in a certain area, and at the same time, you’re asking for help to tread into things you’re not too familiar with.

3 Psychology-based Web Design Elements to Use

Psychology can be used for practical purposes when designing a website. Knowing how the mind works can help make influencing it easier. Consider these basic web design tips so that your site can tap into your target market’s psyche.

Tips on Making Your Company Website User-Friendly

Visitors like it when a website is easy-to-use. This increases their chances of staying. Here’s what you should remember when making your website user-friendly.

Easy Does It

As you map out your site, your foremost goal is to make it super-easy for users to navigate. You can do this by a few simple tricks. Make sure each page is appropriately named and that the sub-navigation buttons all relate to the main button. By making navigation simple, you help users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible.

Mobile Mistakes Companies Should Try to Avoid

Web design looks easy but it‘s easy to make mistakes. This can cause a loss in Internet traffic for your sire. Luckily, with the help of web design experts in Orange County, you can avoid these two common errors.

2016 Web Design Trends That You Can Expect

Web design changes with times. It evolves depending on the needs of people. With new technologies and preferences, users will expect new design techniques. From looping HD backgrounds to long scrolling navigation, here are a few web layouts you can expect to see in the coming years.