Monday, September 7, 2015

Basic Web Design: Qualities of User-Friendly Sites

When it comes to web design, there’s perhaps one rule that can never be counted out: the site has to be user-friendly. While the term may seem a bit vague, there are several qualities that make for a user-friendly website.

Mobile Compatibility

Nowadays, mobile web browsing is all over the place. As more people use handheld devices like smartphones and tablets to browse the web and make online purchases, it has become imperative for businesses to make their websites mobile-friendly. Users can easily move on to another website if they have a hard time accessing yours, which could meant lost business for you.

3 Design Tips for a Fetching Landing Page

It is said that your website only gets a few seconds to make a keen impression on the visitor. With that little time, you need to wow them right off the bat with your landing page. Whether your purpose for the landing page is to lead the user to another link or to capture information and data, you have make it more alluring for your potential customers. Here are some good design tips you can use:

Be Consistent

Design doesn’t have to be all that complicated. Sometimes, simplicity with a flair of a little creativity is all it takes to reel in the clicks. If there is so much going on in your landing page with the headline, pictures and whatnot, you’re just going to confuse the user. Also, be specific with the information you display, from names to numbers.

Reviewing Major Advancements in Web Design

In the past, designing a website to fully accommodate a business’ specific requirements could take a long time, as website development had to be done from scratch. Today, with increasing advancements in internet technology, the building time has been significantly shortened.

Content management systems and web hosting platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal now enable a faster web design process, bringing high quality templates, various design themes and patterns, as well as more seamless automation.

How Web Design Affects SEO

There was a time when succeeding on SEO meant relying heavily on popular keywords. That’s not mutually exclusive anymore today, though. Aside from keywords, Google is now factoring in a website’s design in how great it would do in search engine rankings.

Design Determines a Website’s Value

Web design, along with keyword use and user experience (UX) and , is among the most important factors in SEO. Now that Google is aiming to provide the best results in their results page for users, they will definitely reward websites that not only possesses a great design, but also a superb UX.

What do Customers Look for in a Web Design?

In order for the website to rank high in local search results, many web designers/ internet marketers focus more on optimization to the point of sacrificing quality. Even with great website visibility, however, your SEO efforts would end up futile if you can’t get prospect customers to stay and actually purchase your offerings. Make sure the following essential elements are present in your web design:

Contact details. This sounds obvious but many companies don’t show their location and contact information because they either transact business solely online or they fear their area may affect their prospects’ perception of them. Be that as it may, these information are essential to building your business’ credibility, as it helps reassure customers that your business is indeed existent.